Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fun with Sewing! (this is a blogpost, not a lame introductory sewing book)

So I decided to start sewing more over winter break, and I actually did it!

This first set of photos is actually of part of my final from Mixed Media printmaking last year, the first time I ever really incorporated sewing or fabric into my work. It is mono-printed canvas that is hand sewn into a book cover. Inside were a series of prints made based on bird carcasses from the Museum of Natural History.

Over the summer I made new covers for our couch cushions, and just recently made a pillow to match with the leftover fabric.

I started an embroidery the other night at Julie's place, it's a portrait of Cecilia. It isn't finished yet, but hopefully soon.

I've got a few more things to post, but this is getting awfully long so it'll have to wait.